The Doog House

"Dont try to be a great man, just be a man and let history decide the rest."

Location: Okinawa (Normally Thrilling Thiells), NY, Japan

I am a cool laid back cat that like to be all hip on the fun spots in big cities (I know hot spots in N'orleans and learned of alot in NY). I love to travel and meet new people and just chat for hours as if we are old reunited friends. I am also heavily into movies and AFI's 100. I might want to become a film historian or something like that. I LOVE baseball!! I just cant get enough of it, and there is plenty here in Japan.


Friday, January 27, 2006

I am going to post something that picks my spirits up. At least for a little bit.

So I am sitting on my truck tonight at work and I am discussing something on the US Constitution and someone on their says as a quasi-compliment, "Sheridan you are one of the greatest sources of useless knowledge. I wish you would go onto Jeopardy and split your winnings with me." And that fucking scared me. The US Constitution is now considered 'useless knowledge'. WOW. I would have of been insulted if the comment had not been truly genuine. But I realize now at this juncture in the game that I am a vassal of knowledge. Eventually our society is going to implode in on itself and I realize now that my 'useless knowledge' of the Constitution, Locke, Montesqieu, Rosseau, etc is going to save future generations. And that many people are auditory learners. I have to contain this knowledge to spread to others so that the dream will never die. And that someone, someday will arise and overthrow this despondency that we have assuaged ourselves into. Someday their will be multiple parties and health care for ALL Americans regardless of race, religion, etc. Our race problems still exist, and they were more prevelant during Katrina than anytime. We need a national health care system for people.

And before anyone says "We need to defend ourselves from terrorists!!" I say fuck you, and your mothers too. Our US military hemorages money, money that can actually be channelled towards a legitemite education plan for the future, towards health care for ALL citizens, towards a strong infrastructure that DOES NOT need the US military's help to do jobs that civilian operations should be doing. Yes I am on a soap box now, but Goddamn it listen to my words!!! I only encompass the visions of the Jack Kennedy's, the Reagan's, etc. We need to open our eyes and change this mother fucking stagnant system that is taking over our people. We need change and we need it bad people. We need to get rid of our Corporate masters and break up the modern trusts that are forming under corporations and allow the true mechanations of Adam Smith and allow for a laisez-faire system. And get away from these words of Adam Smith: "And side by side with this museum of economical errors there was a most vigorous political economy which exposed them."

Smith spoke those words of rival economic power, France and how her political power ruined her economy. Smith knew the danger of hauling all your merchandise and your people overseas as is spoken in this quote: "He generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention."

The point of all this is that the enlightenment thinkers is where we have to turn to in order to find answers to our future. The problem is that we havent formulated the questions yet. I am a vassal from which to process these questions and have found a reason for me to live, even if it is for one more day. To answer the modern day question that can so simply be answered by the ancients. I must admit that I am a sucker for Zhu Ge Liangs references and allude many of my inquiries towards his teachings. Alrighty. That is enough of my ramblings for one night. I found one reason to take the pills from my mouth.


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