The Doog House

"Dont try to be a great man, just be a man and let history decide the rest."

Location: Okinawa (Normally Thrilling Thiells), NY, Japan

I am a cool laid back cat that like to be all hip on the fun spots in big cities (I know hot spots in N'orleans and learned of alot in NY). I love to travel and meet new people and just chat for hours as if we are old reunited friends. I am also heavily into movies and AFI's 100. I might want to become a film historian or something like that. I LOVE baseball!! I just cant get enough of it, and there is plenty here in Japan.


Thursday, April 27, 2006


That is all that I have to say to all the people that bought Sirius for Howard. Wow!! Today I heard some of the fucking best radio in years!!! Yes both shows are swapping old guests. Howard you can fucking have Dice. Pat Cooper fucking KILLED on O and A today. Goddamn! That was some of the funniest fucking radio that I have heard in years!! I dont remember laughing that long a time at one thing on any show, except for O and A about 6 years ago when they were doing the Iron Mike bit. To any who are reading this and dont have XM. Go get that fucking thing today. Buy it online the units, whatever. You are missing some of the best radio between Opie and Anthony, Ron and Fez, and the music channels. Holy shit, I feel like I have ran a mile that is how hard I was laughing.



Friday, April 21, 2006

Time and passing out is a funny thing for ones soul...

I passed out on my toilet for like 3 hours tonight. I know I rarely indulge people in the movements of my bowels but this does has a point attached. I awake like 3 hours later and hock a loogie into my tub. I get up and what have you. Now in my cirrent job I work what is know as debrief/snack bar, relatively easy jobs. We put out a suggestion thing for the snack bar and the only real reaply we got was for Dr. Pepper. The other suggestions included: beer, cigs (which isnt a bad idea), t-shirts, and finally the point of this aimless blog, 'pull our troops out of Iraq.' On the latter I was proud to know that there is a 'silent majority' amongst my peers that they would post this. I know it might have of been in jest and part of a peer thing. But what is the old saying, behind every joke there is a truth.

I refer back to the loogie...I took a pee like three hours later and was horrified by what I saw. I turned on my water whilst I urinated. And the loogie wouldnt dislodge. Almost like how the Iraqi insurgents wont dislodge from Iraq. No matter how much pressure we put on them. It is time. Lets get our guys out of there. It is a lost cause, just call it that. We will respect ya more for that Bush. I know I am very proud to say I didnt vote for ya in 2004. NO qualms on that part here. I am one of the few in the service to express such sentiments.


Friday, April 14, 2006

I love my cousin and my aunt Judy and Uncle Joe. They are tru reminders of people why I shouldnt do what I have spoken of. They are always looking out for me, and they like to turn around and say good morning and to the night. They are always there for me though. More than a lot of people I can speak for. These mother fuckers will always be taken care of as far as I am concerned. To my bro and sis, you have no idea what you are missing as far as these relatives go. I love ya Aunt Judy and Uncle well as Erin...LOL. I wouldnt forget ya.


Thursday, April 13, 2006

"Gravedigger when ya dig my grave, can ya make it shallow so I can feel the rain??" A fucking great line from a great Dave Matthews song. This place gives me more and more reason why I am a piece of shit and that I need to just go away. Hell one of the uppity ups himself did it himself. Told me how much of a retard I was. I need to include this in case this is my last post ever. Also, if someone calls ya from 10,000 miles away, they might really, really need to talk to you cause they are feeling shitty and you can get away from your fucking game for TWO fucking minutes. I listened to a lot of people's shit over the can give me 15 minutes just to rant. Thanks. Others, I understand why you were busy. I do. If I write after this 'que serar serar' but I am figuring that if Jesus died this weekend, I can too.



Saturday, April 08, 2006

Ill come in for your 'manadatory study', but I wont study this bullshit because frankly I dont give a fuck if I pass or fail. Dont like it? Fuck off. There is nothing no one will say anymore to convince me otherwise of a good reason to stay in this place or to hold my wits together anymore. As far as I am concerned I am a corpse, so therefore I am immune to the ways and means of your world. Ha ha, I know you hate it cause you can do all you want to a man except crush his spirit.