The Doog House

"Dont try to be a great man, just be a man and let history decide the rest."

Location: Okinawa (Normally Thrilling Thiells), NY, Japan

I am a cool laid back cat that like to be all hip on the fun spots in big cities (I know hot spots in N'orleans and learned of alot in NY). I love to travel and meet new people and just chat for hours as if we are old reunited friends. I am also heavily into movies and AFI's 100. I might want to become a film historian or something like that. I LOVE baseball!! I just cant get enough of it, and there is plenty here in Japan.


Wednesday, July 30, 2003

There is nothing quite like a good run/exercise to clear the mind of demons that pop in there. I feel refreshed and vigoratted and I am thankful that this whole summer has been on the most part mild enough for me to go out there and exercise. For you would normally have to go at like 6AM or 7PM due to the heat, but right now it is great weather. A truly good time to be alive. I got myself a job working security for the summer. I work a shift that is only one man, so that means I am there by myself and the client (a huge phone giant, whose name wont be mentioned here) supervisor told us to keep a 'low profile' when on the grounds. What this translates to is that I do like a patrol or two every few hours just to make sure the ground is secure. I work like an hour and half in reality and am either at the firehouse or my own home the rest of the time. Great lil gig ehhh....

For some other quick cash I will be working at my friends pizza place or even bartending at the American Legion, considering I may become a full fledged member there rather than just a 'son of a legion member'. This is due in part to the decision I made last week. I have to go in for the test next week and regarding scores I should be on my way. Two weekends a year is too little a sacrifice for me to give to preserve the freedoms I have here. And is something I believe everyone who visits this site should consider doing. A small sacrifice for a large institution like the US Constitution is nothing at all.

Got back from Baltimore on Sunday, had a fun lil weekend excursion which involved hookers, cranky Jews, drug addicted homeless and a lil trip through the ghetto. (Is not as bad as it sounds, I leave the rest to your imagination). I will blog about that a lil later on, for now it is time for some chicken with veggies...

Time for something I havent done in a while...the joke of the day (Its a two-fer, since I havent done it in a while)

Mehrtens goes to the doctor for premature ejaculation.
The doctor says, "The next time you feel like you're going to finish, do something to startle yourself."
On the way home, Mehrtens buys a starter pistol. When he gets home, he goes upstairs and finds his wife waiting for him naked in bed. They start 69'ing, and when he feels himself about to orgasm, he fires the gun.
The next day he goes back to the doctor.
The doctor says, "How did it go?"
Mehrtens says, "Terrible. When I was about to cum, I fired a starter pistol. My wife shit on my face and bit off my dick, and my neighbor ran out of the closet nude with his hands in the air, screaming, 'Don't shoot, don't shoot.'"

And another lil doozy

How can you tell if a midget has her period?
She keeps tripping over the string.

Toodles y'all


Thursday, July 24, 2003

Ok I got told once by a friend of mine that this woman is not the most eautiful woman in the adult industry.

Aria Giovanni

Although she really isnt in the industry if she doesnt do porn, but rather just spreads, right?

EDIT- I couldnt find a pic of the girl whom my friend thinks is the bomb diggity so we have to with another bomb diggity. VOILA!!!
Tera Patrick

2nd EDIT- I have found a pic of the star that my friend thinks is the bomb diggity.

I was just wondering what did everyone else think...


Anyone notice that the whole message board thing is dying and blogging seems to be the new trend?? I was just wondering about that, and how many people I actually know who have blogsites. If you have one I would like to link it, but am just lazy or have so many things going through my mind that I forget to link it. So leave me your addy in the comment box and I will link that shit up. Or even if it is a site that is just cool to see. I can go for that too...


Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Ok, so it takes 24 hours and a visit from a very old and revered friend to help fulfill your destiny. I believe in the Sheryl Crow concept that everyday is awinding road, but mine has been an emotional roller coaster all the way. My ole friend that I speak of is a man that I ill address as just "The Lawman". Well the "Lawman" is great for a great many stories from the firehouse. But is one of the few people whom I truly trust and revere around the place. He is the only person I can have a debate with about the US and the Constitution and say how much of a cocksucker Jefferson was when it came to it.

Anyway, the "Lawman" convinced me that the army maybe the best way for me to go now. Considering all my doubts of self sacrifice and what not. My doubts come from the fact that I praise Kennedy, when I am teaching, of his "ask not what your country can do for you speech...". I have been a great critic of former Prez Clinton but would be no better than him if I never served. So I have made a firm commitment to go to a recruiter's office and sign up tommorow. The time has come for me to prove my love of this country by gloriously serving her. For those of you who may be shocked at my change of events, and my age of joining...I only ask you to Dl the "Minstrel Boy" from Blackhawk Down soundtrack. it is an old Irish song which is more gered to my dedication and the reason why I do this. It is my destiny to do this, this I am sure of. Where it carries me is another thing.


Monday, July 21, 2003

Ever contemplate your whole life and wonder...what the fuck?? Like what if you were to disappear tommorow. Not to awake, whatever. Would you really be missed. I know my one friend I cry over a lot, a lot more than maybe I should, but I do cause I miss him a lot. But when I get upset over him, I wonder. Does anyone else?? Im sure his family does, but that is defeating the argument, he knew a lot of mofo's. Do you think at least one of them cry the way that I do??

It caused me to contemplate my own mortatlity and my own life and what would happen if I left tommorow. I mean I have always been on the outskirts of all social acceptance. Someone who was always fiercely independent, a fighter against all that which is wrong with the world. But at times I am punished for it with labels. Most commonly used terms "Liberal", "Fag", "Un-American", seems that if you disagree with popular opinion people hate you. Or disagree immensly, yet once that same person is taken from this Earth Prematurley people reevalute and say shit like "Ohhh he was always for change, for betterment, etc..." No one realizes the genius when it is in movement. Or not even genius, but the cause for which that person stands by. I have all my life taken a down the middle stance...listen to all arguments before delivering some opinions or judgements. My father and certain teachers trained me to be that way(mostly my father). To listen to all sides and not to be jumping to one conclusion. But that is not my argument here

My thing is, if I was to die tonight, would I be missed?? Cried over?? Would some of the works that I have begun be completed in my stead by some of my protege's?? I admit that at the moment I really and truly do feel spent and drained of energy. I dont fight back on some of the thiungs that I hear anymore. If someone is quick to joke with me, I just say "whatever" and turn the other cheek. But I pain soooo much on the inside. I feel like I have made myself soooo independent that I can only turn to me when times are tough. And I must admit that times are tough for me right now. Not monetarily or educationally. But emotionally. I really and truly feel emotionally spent right now. I feel that no matter what I do it is never enough to help please myself. I contemplate a switch of scenary, like a new life somewhere else. My whole life has been that. One upheaval after another. And to be honest, I dont regret that. I loved and lived for the upheaval. I went through a major upheaval 9 years ago, another 7 years ago, and a 3rd three years ago. All three times brought a welcome change in the long run. Yet I find myself yearning for the past a lil too much lately...That is not healty. I hate to get all spiritual, but I feel like the Lord, or some other spiritual force is telling me to seek out that adventure in my life. One option is the military (not a overly thought over one), another is to change careers, go into travel agent. A third is to join the peace corps. I truly love giving of myself freely, whether it is volunteering at a fire prevention call or chatting one of your ears off at a bar about the significance of the Battle of Yi Ling in 222AD. Looking at this statement I think my biggest problem is that I have drive and desire but no direction. I am lost. I am a ship with one sail and no compass who is short on food, in the middle of a large ocean. I guess that is what I am trying to say right now...

I yearn for living. I yearn for contentment and not merely happiness and the last few months made me feel like I can not achieve either. Between careers and relationships, I guess things are not so hot. Although there is a bright spot in my life that does keep me going everyday. And that is what I am trying to say here...things are down right now, time on your hands will do that, but I hope they get better.


Thursday, July 17, 2003

Ohh blogger, how have I neglected thee...well things have been really eventful this weekend. Let me recount. Wel Friday began off pretty cool with me hanging out and what not with all me friends. Started the night off with the boys from the 'hut' whom I could not convince to come hang out with my other friends whom I was meeting in the city. I go down and meet the very kick ass Anna, the Lovely Lisa, and Jumpin Jon (just needed a nickname for all three, to complete the trifecta.) We had a good ole time on Ave A between Sushi, where I ate a lil bit of everything, much to everyone chagrin. Played a lil pool and heard some crazy people play music upstairs at Sidewalk bar. A fun lil place to go to if ya wanna experience a night in the city with pool, jazz bands, and good drinks to boot. Throw in the ambiance of the city and Voila!! You have a good night on the town.

EDIT this blog was cut short and will be fixed later cause the fuckeheads here at blogger fucked up the publishing of it last night.


Thursday, July 10, 2003

Ok you have to love Italian magazines, they just dont give a fuck what they put on the front cover...that goes for most European countries for that matter. I think they figured 1500 years, and two world wars, of being all covered up just is not worth it. Nudity prevents violence, simply put.


Well this certainly was a fun lil weekend. Friday night started the weekend off with a bang, literally. We covered the fireworks down at Bowline using both the Zodiac and the LB (Light Boat) in the pond next to the park. That was a lot of fun.


Monday, July 07, 2003

Ok I just got back from seeing T3: Rise of the Machines...and for the most part I did enjoy it. But I also subscribe to the opinion that when you have one great thing in cinema, leave it alone. This means some works, or movies, do not need a sequel. For sometimes the sequel can bring down the value of the original or just hurt a series in general. Chinatown had the Two Jakes, Bill and Ted well.... they had Bogus Journey. But sometimes some sequels enhance the value of a work. Star Wars (The original, or Episode IV to the geeks) had the Empire Strikes Back, and the focus of this rant. The Terminator (1984) had Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

One of the first problems that I had with this movie was the lighting. I know that it was a new producer/director(Director Jonathan Mostow, although Mario Kasser one of the original directors on both Terminator and T2, returns) this time around, but Cameron always had that dark feel to many of his movies. Think of movies such as the two terminators,The Abyss, True Lies, and even Titanic. The lighting would help set the tone for the movie. As Cameron said in commentary from T2. "We want to like the Terminator but we musnt forget that he is a machine built to promote death". Dont forget Cameron's original message from the two Terminator films was a very anti-nuclear war stance, and the holistic effects of such a war. And I feel that Cameron's message got across great when used in proper lighting. This movie, T3 used a lot of daytime shots that really didnt give the movie the dark feel it was aiming for. But I suppose the threat of nuclear war doesnt hang in the balance the way that it did in 1984 and even to some extent as it did in 1991.


There were two times the threat of nuclear war existed in this country. One was during the post cold war era. More specifically once the Soviets detonated their own nuclear weapon in 1949. From 1949 to 1964 their was a general fear that nuclear war could break out at any moment. The reason the threat, or the fear of war, ended in 1964 was due in part to the Cuban Missile Crisis and how close the world came to nuclear armageddon. Actions were taken from that point onwards to create detente' between the two great nuclear powers, the United States and the Soviet Union. And detente' would exist until 1979 with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. This would create a renewed fear of nuclear war in both nations, and last up until about 1987. So that is the message that Cameron sought to impart upon the world with the Terminator in 1984. He just did not anticipate how much of a success the movie would become. For even he felt that the look and feel of the original Terminator was that of a 'B' movie. And although detente' would resume in 1991, he did not want the world to forget the threat that still hangs over our heads UNTIL every nuclear weapon is disarmed.

Now back to the review of the movie. There were a few errors in this movie in regards to the first two. The first being the recalling scene with John Connor at the start of T3 (played by Nick Stahl instead of Edward Furlong), and how in his reference to T2 he says that he was 13 in that movie. The error is the fact when the T-1000 access' John's file in T2 it says his age is ten. And the further evidence is the mental hospital scene in T2 when Doctor Silberman (played by Earl Boen, who has a cameo as the same character in T3)says "This is a unique case that I have been following for ten years. A 30 year old woman..." Which enhances the evidence that John is actually 10 during T2. Ok, something that is annoying but livable. But the main sticking points for myself was the fact that there were way too many comic relief scenes. One or two would have of been fine, but their must have of been about 10+ in this movie. And it diminished from the overall value of the movie, and the ending, which was very good. In the first two movies, Cameron's message has always been the future is not written, things can change. The writers of this movie go in the opposite direction, and that is as far as I will go with that.

My overall feeling on the value of this movie is a 6 out of ten stars. The story was not bad, considering that I am a person that does not like to fuck with continuity or even good works such as T2. But they did a good job of not disrespecting Cameron, creating a new story, and keeping alive the general thrill that comes with Terminator movies. The villian in this film was a negative factor. I like the idea of using a woman as a Terminator this time (Cameron always creates roles where there is the 'strong female' persona), but all they really did with the 'Terminatrix' (played by the gorgeous Kristanna Loken) was give her Megatron's gun with the T-1000's features (polyliquid alloy). Her personality was wooden and not someone that could blend in easily in society. A general disappointment to say the least. I like the idea of Arnold playing the role of the 'outdated' 101 model. Something of a reference in a way to his career as an action star in this CGI world. The message being that CGI may look and feel great, but when it comes down to it, he is ready to get his hands dirty. Claire Daines was pretty good as Kate Brewster, a key person in the future war against skynet and the machines. The action sequences were good but definetly not on the scale of T2. The writers focused mainly on story this time rather than action, although we do get to see the earliest models of Terminators. And the final good component of this movies was the very creative way the writers let you get a look at skynet, and what it is. The ending was something of a surprise and the reason why I will recommend anybody to go see this movie for the storyline, the action sequences, and the ending.


Thursday, July 03, 2003

First off let me give my condolences to Christie on the loss of her grandfather. I have not heard from her in like a few days so I assume that the wake and funeral have occured already. If not I have to get in contact with her to find out when it is all happening so that I may show support. In the meantime, I offer these words of condolences from something beautifully written which deals with death.

Fill not your hearts with pain and sorrow, but remember me in every tommorow. Remember the joy, the laughter, the smiles, Ive only gone to rest a while. Although my leaving causes pain and grief, my going has eased my hurt and given relief. So dry your eyes and remember me, not as I am now, but as I used to be. Because I will remember you all and look on with a smile. Understand, in your hearts, Ive only gone a little while. As long as I have the love of each of you, I can only live my life in the hearts of all of you.

Now it is time to blog about two movies that I am anticipating seeing this year, besides Matrix Revolutions and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. The two being T3 (with a little bit of reluctance) and Kill Bill. The reason why I say T3 with reluctance is cause there really shouldnt be a sequel. For those of you who have seen the first two should know that skynet, the company responsible for causing the nuclear holocaust, and the rise of the machines, was stopped at the end of T2: Judgement Day (For those of you who havent seen the movies I have given away nothing). As a matter of fact the whole end of T2 is, or should be a paradox. For with the Nuclear War averted and the rise of the machines averted as well, the main leader John Connor, should not exist. Due to the fact that the whole war is averted, there is no reason for John's father, Reese or Kyle, to come back in time and impregnate Sarah Connor. I am sorry if I am going like super geek-wall with the analysis of this but follow it this way. I build a time machine, yaddey yaddey yadda, and I go back in time and impregnate someone lets say in the year 1957 and then return to the present. Now, due to the fact that time NEVER existed before with me exploring the past, my exploring it has caused a rift to form. Or in other words an alternate timeline which can have major/minor changes. Due in part to the fact that this child exists and grows up ALL of time is affected, from educational services to social services etc. As a result it, a time line exists where we move to a different part of the world/country etc. And I wind up studying history instead of building a time machine. Now the question here is this: does the child that was born in the year 1957 exist?? Cause I now have no reason to go back to the past and impregnate his mother. The whole thing just fucks with your head.

Now as far as Kill Bill goes, from the first moment I saw the trailer for this flick I knew that I wanted to see it. A) it is a Tarentino flick and God knows how much I love his works, even Jackie Brown. B) it has that really cool soundtrack which is just so catchy. Nicholas Meyer and George Lucas have both said that it isnt the movie that you remember so much. But it is the combination of the good movie with the soundtrack that makes a movie memorable/enjoyable. Anybody who wants to catch the trailer can do so here: Kill Bill. I mean in some regards it looks a lil ridiculous, like a spoof on Kung Fu movies and the model world. Besides it also has Uma Thurman, that gorgeous blond bomshell, whom it is hard to believe that she actually married Ethan Hawke. But Hollywood have had some stranger unions (Paulina Porizkova and Rick Osevik from the Cars). Also I was happy to see in the trailer that Michael Madsen is also working with Tarentino again in Kill Bill. For those of you that do not know Madsen, he is always playing a happy go lucky pshycotic killer type/tough guy in movies like The Getaway, Reservoir Dogs, and Species. This guy is a truly good actor who gives real feel to the parts that he plays. I recommend that you check out many of his flicks.

Time now for the joke of the day: A lawyer parks his brand new Lexus in front of his office, and as he gets out, a truck passes too close and completely tears off the door on the driver's side.
When a cop pulls up, and the lawyer is screaming hysterically, "My Lexus is completely ruined! It'll never be the same, no matter what the body shop does to it."
The cop shakes his head in disgust, and says, "I can't believe how materialistic you lawyers are. You're so focused on your possessions that you don't notice anything else. You don't even realize that your left arm is missing from the elbow down. It must have been torn off when the truck hit you."
The lawyer says, "My God! Where's my Rolex?"

Thats all yokels. Till next time.